Hi All!
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for checking out my blog and also to let you know that I'll have a new post up in a few days. I haven't forgotten about my blog or any of you wonderful people. =) I've just been extremly busy. As some of you may know I'm an actor, but I also do other theater work as well. Currently I'm producing a show which has been taking a lot of my time, but with the show opening this weekend I'll soon have more time for blogging.(insert evil laugh here)
I know blogs can be quite full of drivel and I'm not saying mine is any different. However, I do take some care about what I write and don't believe in posting any quick thought that comes to mind just for the sake of posting. I use Twitter for that. Lol. So if you are so inclined stay tuned. My next post will be touching on DT and the media, DILF's (if you don't know what that is, you will soon), privacy, fandom and upcoming DT goodness.
Once again I can't necessarily promise breaking news or the winning lottery numbers (still working on that one). I'm just a fan girl trying to make my way in the world much like all of you. What I can promise is a bit of fun and my own unique perspective on things. I am open to suggestions for future topics so feel free to drop me any requests and I'll see what I can do. I make no promises, but I'll try my best. So thanks again and I'll talk to you soon! =)
Tiffany M.
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