Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Almost Ham Night or The Pirates 2nd Pre-Screening

Hello All!

Trust me the title of my blog post will make much more sense once you've seen the movie. I hope this post is finding you well and that you are ready for more David Tennant goodness. If you are sitting comfortably then we'll begin. ;-)

As many of you may already know a few weeks ago I was one of the lucky few to attend a second pre-screening of the new animated feature from Aardman Animations,Pirates Band of Misfits or as it is known across the pond, Pirates In An Adventure With Scientist.  I was quite thrilled to have a second go at the film as one never knows what changes to expect after a few months of audience feedback and production fine tuning. I can now happily report that you won't be disappointed! The film is still just as good as the first time I saw it and this time it was even more polished. The title sequence was almost, if not entirely completed and immediately set the tone for the entire film. Fun, silly and swashbuckling! I may have squee'd when David's name popped up on screen, but who could blame me really?

I didn't notice any changes to the film outright, which is good. However, I do seem to remember more of a musical sequence when the crew tucked in for Ham Night right at the beginning. For the record I believe this was streamlined and cut down a bit. I don't know for sure as it was several months ago when I viewed the first screening, but having really enjoyed that part I do believe some cutting took place. Nevertheless the story and scene seem to be pretty much the same. 

Now I would like to address a particular scene that I was asked about and which seems to have caused quite the controversy online. I'm referring to of course the Leprosy Scene, which I am told was removed from some trailers. For those wondering, that scene was still included in the version of the film that I recently saw. It's a very short scene and seemed positively received by the audience. No one seemed to pay it particular mind and I don't believe any audience members were offended or put off by it. Personally if it hadn't been for Twitter I would have never know there was an issue at all. I understand the concern some people have over it, but personally I don't think the writers or animators meant any disrespect. 

As for some of the new completed sections I did quite enjoy a delightful traveling sequence that takes place across a large map. The first time I viewed this section it was largely unfinished and to see it fully animated was quite a treat. It shows a bit more of Charles Darwin (voiced by David Tennant)and The Pirate Captain (voiced by Hugh Grant). **Warning Ladies** Expect some out of breath Tennant and heavy breathing. =P I would also like to remind everyone to pay particular attention to the music in the film. Many known popular songs are used, but pay special attention to the song playing whilst The Pirate Captain roams the city by himself. The melody and voice sound mournful, but the lyrics are hilarious. If you tune out and get carried away with the moment, you may miss it and that would be truly sad.
The film as a whole is basically the same film I saw the last time with a few exceptions I noticed and probably more I did not. The ending sequence with Charles Darwin and his Manservant seemed slightly different from what I originally recall. I don't want to spill the beans so to speak, but I don't remember his Manservant and Charles going separate ways. Suffice it to say there is a happy ending for everyone except the baddies. =)I know this cut of the film was shorter and I'm still not entirely sure how they did it, but the final product is sure to please. Furthermore I encourage everyone to sit through the end credits as Aardman keeps giving you little nuggets of story throughout.

I must say that Aardman Animations never disappoints and after viewing some behind the scene footage online, I have an even greater respect for the artist at Aardman. The animation is incredible in its detail and my mind is completely boggled by how much care and work goes into each and every shot. I can't wait for this film to open so I can see it again and I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts on it as well.

Til The Next Time,

Tiffany M.

The Pirates! Band of Misfits HD Trailer